A Director from Solihull College & University Centre has been awarded one of CEO Today’s ‘Business women of the Year’ awards for outstanding leadership, vision and entrepreneurship.
The awards honour a select few women who are the driving force behind their business, promoting equality in their sector and beyond.
Rosa Wells, now the College’s Executive Director Employment & Skills and IoT, began her career as a trainee in Aerospace Manufacturing and successfully completed an industry sponsored MEng. After working across the channel in France focusing on Aerospace Research, she returned to the UK and took up a role in Aerospace teaching at the College.
Whilst working at the College, Rosa has been involved in the development of several successful programmes, including WISE (Women in Science and Engineering), which aims to ensure that a more diverse STEM workforce is recruited.
Rosa has recently been involved in the development of the Greater Birmingham & Solihull Institute of Technology. IoTs are collaborations between further education providers, universities and employers that will specialise in delivering higher technical education at Levels 4 and 5 with a focus on STEM subjects. Networks will be supporting underrepresented groups, including BAME engineers and women.

Rosa comments: “The collaborative approach to solving the skills gap with institutions working with and alongside one another rather than in competition has garnered positive responses from employers. I am honoured to receive this award as a female businesswoman in engineering. As a college we are trying to grow talent, assist with representation, and make a positive impact with our work as an IOT. Diversity is essential to fill the skills gap and we continue to take positive strides in our engineering department towards gender equality in the industry.”
Find out more about the Greater Birmingham & Solihull Institute of Technology.