Computing students visit GBSIoT Hub for emerging technologies project

26th October 2023

Computing & Emerging Technologies students from Solihull College & University Centre recently visited the Greater Birmingham and Solihull Institute of Technology’s (GBSIoT) Hub in the centre of Birmingham to explore and develop prototypes.

The visit was part of the HND students’ ’47 Emerging Technologies’ module. It was a chance for the next generation of cybersecurity professionals to get a deeper understanding of the future of technology and the practical skills needed to better understand the changing landscape of computing.

pic of students gathered at the Greater Birmingham & Solihull Institute of Technology at Aston University
Students at the GBSIoT hub at Aston University

The students looked at the role new and emerging technologies have in our future, as well as the historical context, advantages, risks, impact, and disruption they may cause.

It was a practical experience, with the students involved in hands-on activities such as creating prototypes.

The GBSIoT is one of 12 Institutes of Technology (IoTs) currently established across England as unique collaborations between further education colleges, universities and employers to offer technical education and training at higher skills levels in key STEM sectors. They aim to provide employers with a skilled workforce and students with a clear route to technical employment.

pic of equipment at the Institute of Technology
Students working on their projects

Solihull College & University Centre’s leadership in the GBSIoT partnership provides unique opportunities to prepare students for a rapidly changing world.

As the technological landscape evolves, visits like these ensure the next generation of computing and cybersecurity professionals are prepared to meet future challenges.

Find out more about the College’s Computing & Emerging Technologies courses: Computing & Emerging Technologies courses