Follow the success of this year’s students at Solihull College & University Centre
Friday, 26 August, 2016

Solihull College & University Centre is extremely pleased to announce the success of its students who received their results this summer.

Students at the College have done extremely well seeing 46% of Level 3 Extended Diploma students achieving a triple distinction (DDD) mark or higher in their results and nearly half of those students achieved the highest possible grade of triple distinction star (D*D*D*).

As well as this, two thirds of students studying a BTEC Level 3 Extended Diploma achieved results in the top 25% nationally in their subject area.

Level 3 Extended Diploma courses are the equivalent to 3 A-Levels and are a great option for students who have left school this summer and have just received their GCSE results. These courses allow students to progress onto university, stay at the College to study towards their degree or find a career within their field on completion of their qualification.

Many students will have received their GCSE results last week and secured their place on their next educational adventure. However, many students may be concerned with what their options are after not achieving the GCSE grades they had hoped for. There are still a number of options open to students who may not have the grades they initially needed. Solihull College & University Centre has many pathways open to students and gives them the opportunity to progress with their education to gain the career they have in mind.

‘Some people think that the only way to get into university or secure a good job is to study A-levels. They’re wrong! We’re here to set the record straight!’ is the message from Solihull College & University Centre this summer as it aims to show students that a vocational qualification such as a BTEC can take them forward to the career or university course they want.

Solihull College & University Centre also gives students the opportunity to retake their English and Maths GCSEs and year after year has had great results from students with this year being no different. A record number of students resitting their GCSE English achieved a grade C or above at the College with over 39% of students achieving an A*-C grade; an average of 12% higher than other Further Education Colleges. As well as this more than double the amount of students achieved A*-C this year than the previous year at the College in their GCSE Maths retake.

Solihull College & University can give advice and guidance to all students, no matter what their GCSE grades and find the right path in education for them. With a whole range of courses available at a variety of levels, from aerospace engineering to animal management to performing arts, there is a course and route for everyone. Exciting new courses available for September 2016 include Event Planning and Hair & Media Make-Up.

or more information on the courses available please visit the courses page or call 0121 678 7000.

Students at Solihull College