Sister Braves The Shave
Wednesday, 28 March, 2018

Business lecturer Andrea Rathbone has shaved her head in solidarity with her sister Kay Tasker, 56 who is battling cancer for a second time. Kay fought breast cancer 7 years ago and now faces a further battle in the form of bone cancer.

Andrea braved the shave to support both her sister and cancer charity Macmillan. Hoping to raise £1,500, she has already far surpassed her target with the total currently at over £2,000. She hopes to raise awareness for Macmillan Cancer Support, commenting ‘You hope you never need them but unfortunately so many do, and you never know when you might’ she adds. Students, friends and family including her sister came along to witness Andrea’s endeavour at The Gallery in Shirley.

Andrea admits to her and Kay dealing with her illness with as much humour as they can. ‘We have such a laugh together constantly. I’m so proud of her. Cancer doesn’t know that my sister is a fighter and a tough cookie. Macmillan have been incredibly supportive to my family over the years. They were there for my dad, my cousin Claire and my Auntie. Kay’s hair is now gone due to the chemo so now seemed like an ideal time to shave my head and raise some money. My sister has been so brave and I felt like I had to do something, so I not only do this for my amazing big sister but for a cause so close to my heart’.

Andrea says of Macmillan ‘They have supported our family so well. They have talked on the phone, consoled and advised. This is monumental not only to the person going through this horrendous illness but also to their loved ones’. Families are assigned a support worker through the hospital and in Andrea’s case and that of her family nothing has been considered too much trouble.

‘They offer free support and free contact. If you can’t get a hold of them you can leave a message and they will call back. It really has been a phenomenal assistance and back up. A vital service for everyone.’

To donate to Andrea’s fund please visit https://bravetheshave.macmillan.org.uk/shavers/andrea-rathbone-


teach with cancer