This course is ideal for candidates who express interest in the emergency services or armed forces and want to get to grips with the basics of public services, getting involved in a whole array of teamwork activities, expeditions, personal and planning skills and improving health and fitness.
Although this qualification will not guarantee you a job in the public services, it will set you up with the appropriate skills that employers look on favourably. Alternatively this will provide the perfect platform to progress on to a level 2 course, should you wish to pursue this academic path.
-Public Service Careers
-Improving Health and Fitness
-Personal Skills for Public Services
-Practical Teamwork
-Map Reading
-Planning and Participating
-Public Service Project
-Introduction to Expedition Skills
Maths, English and IT will be an important part of your course. You will continue to develop these skills and may work towards a qualification at an appropriate level.
The majority of the time will be in the classroom. However, you will also be active in attending outdoor recreation centres, participating in a range of land-based and water-based activities. Sport and outdoor recreation is an important part of the curriculum in developing your health & fitness and developing your confidence in working with your peers and instructors. You to will use the newly developed indoor sports hall and gymnasium on Blossomfield Campus
Public Services BTEC Diploma
To pass this course you will complete assignments throughout the year. Assignments will include project work, training sessions, essays & reports, role-plays and practical fitness and teamwork sessions.
Places are offered by interview and attendance of a welcome day.
2 GCSE grades at E/2 or above or Progression from an entry level 3 certificate or above. You will need to have a suitable reference and undertake a successful interview.
You will need to dress smartly and wear an appropriate uniform. You will be expected to attend residential trips during the autumn and summer term. The cost of the course is £60* (for students that do not meet the criteria for student finance support) which covers transport, residential and outdoor activities. In addition to this, Uniform must also be bought during the summer term.
If you have a Learning Difficulty or Disability please let us know when you apply. You will be offered support in your interview. If you need help completing your application we can help with this too. Solihull College and University Centre offers full time and part time courses for businesses and residents in Birmingham, Walsall, Wolverhampton, Coventry, Warwickshire and the whole of the West Midlands.
Upon successful completion of this course and a progress interview, students may move onto the Level 2 course.
Blossomfield Campus
N/A For 16 to 18 Year Olds
Full Time
Senior police officers plan, organise, direct and co-ordinate the resources and activities of a specific geographical or functional area of generalised or specialised police work.
Workers in this unit group co-ordinate and participate in fire fighting activities, provide emergency services in the event of accidents or bomb alerts, and advise on fire prevention.
Police officers (Sergeant and below) co-ordinate and undertake the investigation of crimes, patrol public areas, arrest offenders and suspects and enforce law and order. Officers of the British Transport Police operate within the specialised police service for the railway network across Britain.
Officers in armed forces serve as commissioned officers in Her Majesty's armed forces, foreign and Commonwealth armed forces; plan, direct, organise and administer military operations; and perform duties for which there is no civilian equivalent.
Coastguards monitor maritime conditions and undertake search and rescue operations.
Immigration Officers establish that persons entering and leaving the UK have necessary authorisation for crossing national borders.
Ship and hovercraft officers command and navigate ships and other craft, co-ordinate the activities of officers and deck and engine room ratings, operate and maintain communications equipment on board ship and undertake minor repairs to engines, boilers and other mechanical and electrical equipment.
Police Community Support Officers (PCSOs) support the local police force by patrolling the streets to provide a visible and reassuring presence and to tackle a range of crime and disorder problems. PCSOs are also attached to the British Transport Police who operate the specialised police service for the railway network across Britain.
Prison Governors plan, organise, direct, and co-ordinate the activities and resources necessary for the running of a prison, remand or detention centre.
Prison service officers (below Principal Officer) direct, co-ordinate and participate in guarding inmates and maintaining discipline in prisons and other detention centres.
Probation officers work to rehabilitate offenders. They supervise, counsel and help them before trial, during any prison or community sentence and on release from prison.
Workers in this unit group protect merchandise, individuals, hotels, offices, factories, public grounds and private estates from injury, theft or damage, and investigate fraud and crime on a non-statutory basis.