College excited to celebrate National T Levels Week

10th October 2022

Solihull College & University Centre is excited to celebrate the first annual National T Levels Week, taking place from 10th-14th October.

T Levels are new, two-year, technical study programmes, designed with employers to give young people the skills that industries need. Equivalent to 3 A-Levels, T Levels will provide a mixture of industry specific technical knowledge and a 315-hour industry placement.

National T Levels Week will focus on raising awareness of the many T-Level subjects now available and showcasing the success of the programmes so far.

The College offers sector leading facilities in its T Level subject areas, including a VR Lab, Aircraft Hangar, Engineering workshops and a brand new Early Years facility featuring kitchen area, sensory room and more!

The College was selected by the Department for Education as part of the second wave of further education providers who would deliver T Levels, with the first T Level, Digital Production Design and Development, having started at the College in September 2021.

Students are now a year into their course and are seeing the benefits of the built-in industry placement and the real-world experience it has offered. One student commented: “I’ve learnt presentation skills, coding in a team and how to handle business meetings.” He continues: “I’d recommend a T Level to anyone who wants to get into an apprenticeship or university due to the hands-on experience”.

Mohammed Maher, the College’s Head of School for Computing, commented: “This is a new, exciting qualification, which crucially gives learners the opportunity to work with employers and also study challenging new course content with future employment in mind.”

The College is currently offering T Levels in Digital Production Design & Development, Education & Childcare and Engineering, Manufacturing, Processing & Control, with more to be launched for September 2023 including Health and Science based programmes.

The College has also launched a number of T Level Transition Programmes, which are 1-year study programmes designed to support progression to a T Level aimed at students who would benefit from additional preparation and support before they are ready to start the T Level itself.

You can find out more about the College’s T Levels at the upcoming open events taking place on Saturday 26th November, 10am-2pm at Blossomfield & Woodlands Campus. Pre-register now!

Find more about the College's T Level offer: T Levels