A former Solihull College & University Centre student has moved to Dubai after landing her dream job working for Emirates.
Lizzie Kennedy, 23 from Solihull, studied Cabin Crew and Travel & Tourism at the College from 2012-14. After graduating from college at 18, she spent 5 years working as cabin crew for Flybe. Lizzie is now training to be a member of cabin crew for Emirates.
Lizzie couldn’t be happier with her time at the College. “I loved my time at the College and feel like it really gave me a good insight into the world of aviation. It taught me the importance of uniform standards and always being on time. My teachers were so approachable and always wanted the best for me”.

Jane Pendleton, Travel & Tourism tutor commented: “Lizzie’s achievement is wonderful. We are so thrilled to hear that she has built on the learning she received here and has gone on to grasp her dream job. Well done Lizzie!”
Lizzie is looking forward to her future with the award winning airline, commenting “I absolutely loved working for my previous airline, but Emirates has always been my dream.”